All posts by kyREcon

Shellter v2.0 -Upcoming-

The new version of Shellter is on its way.

Here it is what you should expect from it…

I am currently working on some enhancements on the UI and the Wine compatible tracing engine which is still in Beta stage.

After doing several tests on it, I have decided to favor compatibility against speed.
This means that on the next version of Shellter, the aforementioned engine will be slower, but hopefully will be as reliable as the native Windows compatible one.
These changes will not affect the latter, since the two engines work independently from each other.

Having said that, the option for selecting the tracing engine will become obsolete and only Shellter will have the privilege of picking the right one depending on where you are running it.

Stay tuned… ;o)

Demo Video Updates

With the latest releases of Shellter, updating the Demo videos has become a requirement.
Unfortunately, my  free time is already quite limited among full-time work and other projects, which means that I cannot say when I am going to have the time to update those videos accordingly.

However, if any of you guys would like to make video tutorials about it, then I will be more than happy to link them from this blog. If you do, then please make sure that you use the latest version.
