All posts by kyREcon

London Stack Smashers -Overview-

London Stack Smashers is a fairly new social event that tries to gather IT Security professionals and enthousiasts around this subject.
After being there for doing a short presentation for Shellter, it’s time to provide some feedback.
The organizers were very kind and it is clear that they are trying their best to set everything up. However, I didn’t like much the space where the event took place.
That being said, it is quite obvious that sponsors would be more than welcome.
Overall, I can see that there is some passion towards this event, but the motivation behind it is not so clear to me yet.

Continue reading London Stack Smashers -Overview-

Shellter V [5.3] -Upcoming-

When you thought it just got better…it has to get even better than that. ;0)

Indeed, I will be shortly releasing another update with some optimizations regarding the polymorphism of the output when Stealth Mode is enabled.

I am expecting this to happen quite soon, but always depending on my availability.
