Category Archives: Blog News

Shellter Pro – EULA Updates

Dear all,

We have updated the EULA terms for Shellter Pro.

You will find that all the terms in our license agreement are common-sense-driven, which unfortunately we had to make more clear after the recent binary leak by one of our licensees.

By using this software, it is implied that you agree with all the terms as described in the EULA.

Thank you,

Shellter Pro – Purchase Enquiries

Dear all,

In order to reduce further the risk of selling a Shellter Pro license to companies or individuals that may use our software for illegal purposes, we have made our vetting process even more strict.

The following rules have immediate effect on all future and past enquiries that have not been completed yet.

  1. All purchase enquiries must be sent through a corporate email account.
  2. The associated domain name must be at minimum 5 years old.
  3. The associated company must have a publicly accessible profile/ presence on social media that can be easily examined during the vetting process.

In order for the enquiry to be processed further, it must comply with all rules as shown above.

We keep the right to refuse to sell to someone if we think that certain requirements, that are entirely within our discretion, are not met.

We apologize for any inconvenience these extra rules might cause to newly established Infosec companies, but protecting the wider public of online users, from potential abuse of our software, is far more important than selling a few extra licenses.

Thank you,