Category Archives: Blog News

Shellter -News-


Working on the Pro version of Shellter has been proved already as a good opportunity to re-visit some code and perform even more tests on it.
Shellter Pro is pushing the existing features to their limits. This makes it easier to find some well hidden bugs and finally fix them in both builds.
You can read more about my two latest discoveries here and here.

Shellter VI [6.5] is coming up…


Shellter -News-


I hope my little April fool joke didn’t hurt your feelings too much, but I just couldn’t resist from defending my ‘being a troll’ reputation .  ;0)

So, there is some more work going on towards internal optimizations.
In particular, I am currently working on some updates that are being applied in the tracing engine that can make it faster and more flexible.
These modifications are mostly targetting a more effective dynamic memory management, and removal of dublicated effort in things that can be done once and then be reused during the same tracing session.

Shellter VI [6.3] coming up…
