Category Archives: Blog News

Demo Video Updates

With the latest releases of Shellter, updating the Demo videos has become a requirement.
Unfortunately, my  free time is already quite limited among full-time work and other projects, which means that I cannot say when I am going to have the time to update those videos accordingly.

However, if any of you guys would like to make video tutorials about it, then I will be more than happy to link them from this blog. If you do, then please make sure that you use the latest version.


Shellter v1.9 -Upcoming-

The new version of Shellter is on its way, and I will try to release it as soon as possible.

In the meantime, let me give you some heads-up of what to expect from the next release.

As mentioned during the release of the previous update, the upcoming version of Shellter will allow the users to control and take advantage from the Basic Mode, features that were only available so far only in the Advanced Mode.

One of these features, it is the possibility to use handlers for encoded payloads, instead of permanently changing the memory access permissions for the section where the injection occurs, through the PE header. This is also one of the main features of Shellter since its very first release.

Continue reading Shellter v1.9 -Upcoming-